DHSU’s Professional Development Programs

  1.  Leadership Resource Library

  2. An online platform available to DHS and CUA employees – whereby they can access resources and tools, such as:

    1. articles/blogs, news clippings, data, videos, podcasts, and books - about personal, professional and leadership development
    2. receive support on mentoring, coaching, supervision, wellbeing, work/life balance and trauma and mental health first aid
    3. templates for project/program management, lessons plans, self-care, faith and gratitude etc

     Goals of LRL:
    1. Improve the user resource experience by making the online library easy to access, browse, search and navigate.
    2. Promote individual content items more effectively by including short descriptions visible at first glance.
    3. Increase use/reach & access by adding the capabilities to like, share, rate, recommend and comment on content items.